John H. Fikus, PhD
Online Portfolio
(PDFs to View or Download)

Air Force Research Labs (AFRL)
 Information Directorate - Information Grid(IFG), Distributed Information Systems (IFGA)

Architectural Assessment Tool (AAT) Phase 2 Final Briefing  (12MB)
18 Dec 05, AFRL, Rome NY
(Approved for use by AFRL/IFGA leadership - 23 Feb 06)

    Lockheed Martin - Maritime Sensors and Systems (MS2)
Joint Information Control Office (JICO) Support System (JSS) Project
(Material approved for use by LMCO management 21 Feb 06)

JSS Phase 1 Final Presentation  (8 MB)

15 Jun 05, LMCO-MS2,Moorsetown, NJ
(Covered work accomplished under three sub-contracts)

Planning for the Future
30 Aug 04, JSS Phase 1 Kickoff Meeting with Air Force JSS Project Team
held at LMCO-MS2,
Moorsetown, NJ

World-Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG)
Inaugural W2COG Working Symposium, 24-26 May 2005

Link-16 NMS Presentation

2005 SPIE Defense & Security Symposium
Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science IX Conference

Technical Challenges & Solutions in Merging GIESim and JSAF, John H. FIkus, PhD, et.al.

Paper (B&W  Color)               Presentation

2nd. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) Conference on
Computing, Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT '04
August 14 - 17 - Austin, Texas, USA
Prediction of Human Behavior, W.C.Cave, John H. Fikus, PhD
Paper                Presentation