John H. Fikus, PhD


Architectural Assessment Tool (AAT) Phase II Final Briefing” (with demonstration),
12 Dec 05, to Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) Information Grid (IFGA) Leadership, Rome, NY.

Demonstration of Link-16 Network Management System,
16 Sep 05, to Major General Tommy Crawford and staff at Air Force
Command and Control, and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) Center,
Langley Air Force Base, VA.

 “JSS Phase 1 Final Presentation and Demos”,
15 Jun 05, to Lockheed Martin - MS2 Management, Moorestown, NJ.
Review of PSI work performed under Joint Information Control Officer (JICO) Support System (JSS)
Phase 1 program, and LMCO B&P and IRAD funding.

Congressional Plus-up briefings and demonstrations for Link-16 Network Management Systems:
(at Electronic Systems Center (ESC), Hanscom Air Force Base and on Capital Hill, Washington DC)

Mr. Tom Powis, Director, ESC GIGSG, 2 Mar 05.  Achieved major command support. Update 15 Dec 05.

Congressman Jim Saxton (Rep NJ), 15 Sep 05.  Achieved his support and leadersip commitment.

Congressmen Frelinghuysen (Rep NJ) and Marty Meehan (Rep MA), 19 Oct 05.  Achieved their support.

“Technical Challenges and Solutions In Merging GIESim and JSAF”,
7 Jun 05 to Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) J9 Leadership, Suffolk, VA.

 “Link-16 Network Management System” (with demo),
24-26 May 05, Inaugural World Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG) Working Symposium, Manassas, VA.

 Technical Challenges & Solutions In Merging GIESim and JSAF” (with demo),
31 Mar 05, SPIE Defense & Security Symposium 2005,
Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science IX, Paper Number 5805-43.

“PSI Link-16 Capabilities Briefing”,
15 Nov 04, to CAPT M. Salvato, Joint Forces Command (JFCOM)
J6 – Netcentric Integration Communications and Capabilities Division, Norfolk, VA

Planning for the Future – Technical Details,
30 Aug 04,  JICO Support System (JSS)  Phase 1 Kickoff meeting,
to Air Force Electronic Systems Center (ESC) client held at Lockheed Martin, Moorestown, NJ.

Prediction of Human Behavior”,
14-17 Aug 04, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (CCCT04), University of Texas at Austin

“Overview of PSI Link-16 AFRL SBIR”,
21 May 03, to Link-16 Network Management Enhancements Technical Exchange Forum, San Diego, CA.

Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) Simulation demonstration,
13 Nov 01, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL),
Effects-Based Operations (EBO), Program Review Meeting, Baltimore, MD