John H. Fikus, PhD


Technical challenges and solutions in merging GIESim and JSAF”,
John H. Fikus, et. al. 28 Mar – 1 Apr 2005,
SPIE Defense & Security Symposium,
Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science IX, Conference 5805, Paper Number 5805-43

Prediction of Human Behavior”,
W.C. Cave and J. H. Fikus, PhD, Aug 14-17, 2004,
Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT04) Conference Proceedings, Vol IV.


Advanced Sensor Optimal Placement System (ASOPS) Proposal,
12 Jan 06,  for Navy SBIR N06-097

Visual Scenario Development and Analysis White Paper,
Dec 2005, for Airborne Networking Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

Enhanced Communications Interface Models White Paper,
Dec 2005, for Airborne Networking Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

Line of Sight (LOS) Networked Communications System White Paper,
July 2005 for Naval Surface Warfare Center,
Joint Unmanned Systems Common Control (JUSC2) ACTD, RFI N61331-05-Q-MR01

Enhanced Link-16 Algorithm Specification Document,
30 Sep. 2005, PSI for Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Pattern AFB

Architectural Assessment Tool Phase II Proposal
May 2005, PSI, to Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY

Multi-TDL Planning Analysis
2004 PSI Report to Lockheed Martin - MS2, Moorestown, NJ

White Paper on Future Multi-TDL Architecture Planning
 2004, PSI, with Bill Cave to Lockheed Martin
- MS2, Moorestown, NJ

Multi-TDL Network Integration
Requirements Analysis, Architecture, Tool Needs and Processor Assessment

2004, PSI,  to Lockheed Martin - MS2, Moorestown, NJ

An Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Tools Created by Prediction Systems, Inc.,
2004, PSI.  Distributed to many government clients and contractors.

Netted Full Spectrum Sensor (NFSS) Operations Management System (OMS) User’s Guide,
30 Apr 03, PSI, for US Army CECOM I2WD.

Intelligent Scenario Generation Tool Proposal,
2002, Navy SBIR N02-184

Enhanced Visualization of Modeling and Simulation Processes Proposal,
2002, Navy/Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) SBIR N02-102 (Phase 1 winner)

Communications Modeling Solutions Proposal,
28 Feb 2002 to Boeing Australia LTD.

White Paper on Command and Control (C2),
12 April 2002,
with US Army CECOM, for Boeing Broad Industry Announcement (BIA)
on Future Combat Systems (FCS).