Echolink is available on the repeater 24 hours a day. The node is # 349565
To Access Echolink on the repeater, use your touch tone pad and dial in "3246" (Echo) followed by the node number you wish to use.
Too disconnect, use your touch tone pad and dial in "73".
About the group...
The Ocean County Repeater Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the hobby of Amateur Radio.
The group is also an important part of the Ocean County ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) network. The 146.445 repeater has been designated as the secondary emergency repeater for the Ocean County area.
The owners of the repeater meet the third Saturday of Jan, April, July, and Oct. For time and place information, contact someone on the repeater or send an email to: [email protected] .
About the repeater...
The repeater is located in the Lacey Twp. area with an antenna height of -unknown- ft. above sea level. It has an output of -unknown- watts, full autopatch capabilities, and an emergency power back-up system.
Check out our original 1998 Membership RosterIf you are interested in becoming an OCRG member you can do one of the following...
Note: It seems that some children have been using the on-line form for playing pranks recently. I ask that you use the on-line form only if you are a serious applicant seeking membership.
On-line Form Printable Form Contact the Group
Fill out and submit our on-line membership form.
Fill out and mail our printable membership form.
Contact the group at [email protected].
Or contact us by conventional mail at:
Ocean County Repeater Group
P.O. Box 525, Toms River, NJ 08754
Some interesting links...
ARRL - The American Radio Relay League
OBARC - Old Barney Amateur Radio Club
JSARS - The Jersey Shore Amateur Radio Society
OMARC - Ocean Monmouth Amateur Radio Club
The QRZ Callsign Database - Look up any callsign (updated daily)
TAPR - Tucson Amateur Packet Radio